Would you like to become one of our official WI Speakers?
We operate an audition system of selecting speakers. From the applications we receive, we will select those to go to the next auditions day attended by WI members and those which gain approval will be added to our list of approved speakers.
As you can imagine, we have a lot of approaches from people wanting to go on our list, many on the same subject and our WIs want to be sure the speaker they are booking will please their members, especially as speakers’ fees are a major expenditure for our WIs.
We will send you an invitation to the next auditions if your application is chosen. However, if not, we will not be in touch. We hope you understand - we do not wish to be rude but must keep administrative costs to an absolute minimum.
Thank you,
Nikki Tuffnell
Federation Secretary
Please complete and submit the form below, but note the following before doing so:
- We plan to have auditions on average twice a year.
- If you wish to sell copies of a book or any other items at a meeting, this will have to be put on the sales table and a commission of 10% will be charged. You must agree this with the WI when the booking is made.
- Demonstrators cannot use their finished article as an item in a raffle for which the demonstrator takes the proceeds (even though this may be for charity). If you wish to put the item in the WI’s own raffle, you may and you can reflect this expense in your agreed fee/expenses. Again, arrange this at the time of booking.
- If your talk has any professional or medical input, you must be sure that the information offered is correct and up to date.
- There is a limit on the length of entry for any speaker. No more than five titles of talks will be used. Use phrases such as ‘full list on application’ or ‘more available’.
- We feel that travel expenses should reflect fuel costs rather than general running of car costs.
- Please bear in mind that the AVERAGE size of a WI in Shropshire is 26 members therefore many cannot afford high fees for speakers
- Cookery demonstrators must have an up-to-date food hygiene certificate if prepared food is to be tasted by members of the audience,
- We would like to stress that WIs print their year's programme at the beginning of the year so arrangements are made in advance. It is very important that once you have agreed to speak that you honour that agreement.
- We may exclude people offering talks which are already covered in our lists, or which appear to be purely a business opportunity for the speaker