Why join the WI?
Fun, friendship and enjoyment

Our WIs are very welcoming, not only will you meet people from your local area, but there are many opportunities to link up with members across the county and even nationally.
Be part of a team

We like to think of ourselves and each WI as a team. Members work together to run both the Federation and their own WIs.
Have a go, try something new

The WI is there to educate members and provide a range of opportunities and experiences. Whether it be craft skills, outdoor pursuits, cookery or something we haven’t thought of yet. It is never too late to try something new.
Making a difference (campaigns)

The WI has a longstanding history of campaigning for change and are is to organisations such as Keep Britain Tidy and the Climate Coalition. Each year the WI passes a resolution and forms a campaign giving members the opportunity to take action and make a difference.
Give Something Back

We recognise that all our members have a wide range of skills and expertise and a lot to offer. We encourage members to be pro-active, offer ideas and support and to get involved.