Welcome to Shropshire Federation

Shropshire Federation of Women’s Institutes was formed in May 1919 and covers all WIs in this beautiful rural inland county. Our present federation office is situated on the outskirts of the historic town of Shrewsbury. There are over 100 WIs, with a total of approximately 3000 members spread throughout Shropshire, in small villages, market towns or in larger conurbations such as Shrewsbury and Telford. You are, therefore, never far away from a WI and when you visit you will receive a warm welcome. Or maybe call into our Shrewsbury office where our staff are happy to help both existing and potential members. WIs hold at least 11 monthly meetings. This provides opportunities to meet and make new friends, learn new skills and often to hear an interesting speaker. Why not try it?

We look forward to welcoming you. You can contact us by email, telephone, website and facebook. Our office opening hours are 9.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. Monday – Wednesday, please visit by arrangement.

Bridget Thurgood, Federation Chair

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  • 2025 CALENDARS

    Due to ordering extra stock we still have some 2025 Calendars - £6.00 each.

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